The next PAW (Cloud) upgrade is planned for Thursday night 17th November, so the changes will be in place on Friday morning  morning

The link to the changes is below

What’s coming next in IBM Planning Analytics 2.0.82 SC

The link to the Defect resolution is below


A couple of the key changes

  • There are several changes to the Dimension editor:
    • The presentation of the actions has changed
    • You can create and modify member attributes and security in the new dim editor.  I don’t see that as a change for the attribute, but certainly, the security
    • Settings to manage the value bar, attribute type and page size (no of elements shown in the Dimension editor)
    • Note the classic dimension editor will be removed from PAW in upgrade 84


  • Text fill for a single cell – an alternative to conditional formatting


  • You can now add attachments to plans and applications
    • Max of 10 files per plan/application
    • File formats are: .pdf, .docx.  .xlsx, .csv and .pptx
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